Become An Ethereum Blockchain Developer With One Course. Master Solidity, Web3.JS, Truffle, Metamask, Remix & More!
Course Outline
- Introduction To The Course
- Remix IDE
- [Project] The Blockchain Messenger
- [Project] Smart Money – Deposit And Withdrawals
- [Project] Smart Wallet
- [Project] ERC20 Token Sale
- [Project] Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
- Introduction To The Legacy Content
- Blockchain Introduction (Theory]
- Transactions, Wallets, And Hashing Step-By-Step
- Learn Solidity Step-By-Step With Labs And Slides
- [Project] Create A Shared Wallet
- [Project] Create A Shared Wallet
- Understanding Web3.JS And Smart Contract Interaction
- [Project] Event Triggers/Supply Chain Example With Truffle 5 & Unit Test
- Understand & Use Go-Ethereum
- [Project] Asset Tokenization Using OpenZeppelin And Truffle
- Conclusion
- [Bonus] Getting Hired As A Blockchain Developer