You'll learn 20 different speaking techniques that will get you more positive feedback and sharing of your next video or podcast.
1% of the people on the internet are reaping nearly all the benefits. Why? Because they don’t just consume, they produce. They share consistently. They show up. They are seen and heard. These prolific producers are attracting opportunities, building an audience, a profile and a business to match. People approach them, customers can’t wait to buy from them, media outlets want to speak to them. They are carving out a brand and a name for themselves and they make it look easy.
Want to start a podcast but don't want to spend the money? Then this course is perfect for you! You'll learn what goes into making a podcast, start by building an early concept of what your show will be about, and writing the first episode. You will also learn about different types of microphones, applications to record and edit your podcast, then how to prepare your environment and a technique of microphones, and finally of course you will also learn how to create a cover photo select a hosting provider FREE and download your very first podcast episode.
Though the concept of personal branding isn't new, questions remain about how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and inhabit that brand.
The achievement of a balanced economic, social and environmental development - as expressed in the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development - is recognized as one of the major challenges humanity is facing today. What is less clear is whether and how organizations can generate business opportunities and value for their stakeholders while tackling such challenges.
This course is a partnership between the leading content marketing authority, Copyblogger, and UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education. In this course, you will learn the core strategies content marketers use to acquire and retain customers profitably.
Create, Launch & Monetize Your Podcasts and Grow Your Audience FAST! Plus 17 Podcasting Checklists
Your complete guide to recording and launching a podcast to grow your business with modern digital marketing techniques.