Electric Industry Operations and Markets

  • Created by Instructor: Lincoln Pratson
  • Course Duration 7 hours
  • Price USD$
  • User Rating 4.8
  • Platform Coursera
  • Course Link Explore Course
"This is a two week course. In the first week you will learn about the core activities that the Industry executes to bring electricity to customers. We will review what electricity is, how it is generated, how it is transmitted, how it comes into buildings, and how consumption of electricity instantly feeds back on the transmission and generation of electricity. You will learn to: Define what electricity is; Describe how electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed; Describe how electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed; and Summarize how the consumption of electric energy instantly feeds back on the transmission and generation of electricity."

How I Built a Solar Powered Cryptocurrency Mining Computer

"Mining cryptocurrencies now consumers more power than my countries. Bitcoin alone uses more power than the Phillippines. One solution to this power crisis would be to power cryptocurrency mining using renewable energy. To explore that idea on a small scale, I built an off-grid solar-powered cryptocurrency mining computer to use at home. This class explores exactly how and why I built my system, and provides all the info you need to pursue your own solar/crypto experiments."

Renewable Energy Technology Fundamentals

  • Created by Stephen R. Lawrence
  • Course Duration 12 hours
  • Price USD$
  • User Rating 4.7
  • Platform Coursera
  • Course Link Explore Course
Renewable energy is one of the fastest growing industries on the planet, with billions of dollars invested each year to meet international energy sustainability goals.

Global Energy and Climate Policy

  • Created by Harald Heubaum
  • Course Duration 12 hours
  • Price USD$
  • User Rating 4.7
  • Platform Coursera
  • Course Link Explore Course
The Global Energy and Climate Policy course offers an introduction to the theoretical and practical understanding of how energy and climate change policies are designed, shaped, advocated and implemented. As energy markets go truly global, domestic energy policies are becoming more and more entangled with wider issues of international governance.

Renewable Energy Specialization

  • Created by Stephen R. Lawrence
  • Course Duration 5 months at 3 hours a week
  • Price USD$
  • User Rating 5
  • Platform Coursera
  • Course Link Explore Course
Renewable Energy Technologies and Implementation. Build a comprehensive understanding of renewable energy technologies, projects, grid integration, and future prospects!